User Management
User profile
To access any of the applications in your tenant, each user must have a profile in the tenant. User profiles contain information about your users such as name and contact information. Each user mages their profiles through the user profile page.
Manage users
Invite users
Go to the User management under Settings. Click the "Invite Users" button to open the invitation drawer.
Within the drawer, type one or more valid e-mail addresses seperated by commas.
Select a role from the dropdown below. Upon accepting an invitation, the new user will be granted this role.
Deployments with email services enabled: upon submitting this form, the invited users will receive an email that includes a link to complete their registration.
Deployments without email services: upon submitting this form, the invited user(s) will appear in the User management page table in a pending state. You can locate a specific user's invitation link by going to the overflow menu of that user's row and selecting "Copy invite link", or by hovering the "pending" badge by their name.
Delete users
Go to the User management under Settings. Choose the name of the user you want to delete.
Use the overflow menu to chose the Delete user option.
A pop-up will warn you that the action cannot be undone and prompt you to confirm that you want to delete the user.
Continuing will permanently delete the user and its data.
Reset user’s password
Reset user’s password
Go to the User management under Settings. Choose the name of the user you want to reset the password of.
Use the overflow menu to chose the Reset password.
A pop-up will warn you that a new password will be assigned to the selected user. Click Reset to generate a new password.
Delete user’s data
If you are a member of Super Admin or Administrator’s groups:
Go to the User management under Settings. Choose the name of the user you want to delete the data from.
Use the overflow menu to chose the Delete data option. A pop-up will warn you that the action cannot be undone and prompt you to confirm that you want to delete the images associated with the selected user.
Continuing will permanently delete the user’s images.
If you are part of the Member group in your organization:
Go to your Profile page. Click on Delete data.
A pop-up will warn you that the action cannot be undone and prompt you to confirm that you want to delete the images associated with your profile.
Continuing will permanently delete all images.
Manage access
Roles is a collection of permissions that you can apply to users.
There are two types of roles:
- System specific roles - allowing access to the whole application. User can have only one System role at a time.
- Project specific roles - users get specific access to one or multiple projects. Users
We recommend to assign users the fewest number of permissions that allow them to get their job done.
System roles
Super admin
Super admins have complete control to the system. They are the owners of the account and are allowed to perform all operations possible.
Super Admins have implicit access to all resources in the system.
First registered user is always a Super Admin.
Only Super admins can assign a role of Super admin to the rest of the users in the system.
Super Admins can close organizations accounts.
Administrators share similar privileges with Super Admin. The only difference is the Admins cannot delete Organizations and Tenants in the system.
Admins cannot assign a role of Super admin to users.
Admins have implicit access to all resources in the system.
Members can create and manage projects. They can add images and scan them.
Members have privileges to see and perform actions only to their own resources.
Members have access only to the projects they’ve been invited to.
Members do not have access to User management. They cannot invite other members.
Guest are ready only accounts. They have access only to the projects they’ve been invited to.
Guest do not have access to User management. They cannot invite other users to the system.
Changing system roles
Go to the User management under Settings. Choose the name of the user, whose role you’d like to change. In the drop down in the column Roles to change the role of the selected user.
Users creating a project have the roles of Owner assigned to them. Owners have complete control over projects. They can delete a project, rename it, they can add resources to it, export reports and trigger scans and updates.
Only Owners can manage access to a project.
Users with a role of Editor can manage project’s resources. Editors can export reports and trigger updates. Editors cannot delete a project.
Editors cannot add users to a project or change existing roles.
Viewer role is read only. Viewer has access to the projects they’ve been invited to. Viewers cannot perform any actions - scan, delete, rename, etc. Viewers cannot add users to a project or change existing roles.
Add user to a project
Choose a project. Select Manage access. The drawer will open to the right, listing all users that have access to that project. Use the search box to find a user you’d like to add to the selected project. You can also select a name from the dropdown.
Remove user from a project
Choose a project. Select Manage access. The drawer will open to the right, listing all users that have access to that project. Use the Revoke access button next to each user’s name.
Change users’ roles inside a project
Choose a project. Select Manage access. The drawer will open to the right and it will list all users that have access to that project. Use the drop downs next to each user’s name to select a new role.